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Photo by Janet Upadhye

Photo by Janet Upadhye




Nicholas Rizzi is the web editor for Commercial Observer where he oversees daily news coverage of New York City real estate.

Before joining Commercial Observer, Nick spent five years covering Staten Island for DNAinfo, a local news startup, where he reported on subjects like opioid abuse, Hurricane Sandy, new developments, breaking news and more. He also covered central Brooklyn for the local website Patch.

His work has appeared in City Limits magazine, the Huffington Post, the New York Daily News, the Gothamist, The Local blog on the New York Times and the Staten Island Advance.

Nick got his master's degree from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, where he concentrated on urban reporting.

He was born and raised on Staten Island, but decamped to Brooklyn, where he currently lives.

He attended the College of Staten Island where he got a degree in creative writing. He originally started college to study music, and has played bass guitar for more than 10 years. He still plays to this day, but mostly while his wife tries to watch TV.